Barry Hettrick

Barry Hettrick started investing in the Financial Market in 2001. He has completed our In-house System Building Program and has attended every conference.  Barry has been trading the market for over 20…

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Bruce Ross

Bruce Ross has been with Trade View since 2017. He has completed our In-house Intermediate Program and has attended 3 of our Algo Trading Conferences; 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2021…

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Trader Profile – Clive Backhouse

My name is Clive Backhouse and I live in Sydney's inner west along the Parramatta River. As our three children have left home, my wife and I live in an apartment overlooking the river with views to the Sydney Harbour Bridge. I fully retired eighteen months ago after 48 years in the Aviation industry, seventeen years working for the Australian Government and thirty one years in my own business.

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Mike Ormesher

My name is Mike Ormesher. I’m English and live in the North of England; Harrogate to be precise. I love golf, cricket and football. In that order. I’ve worked in technology & computer software for the past 30 years, the last 20 of which I’ve been self-employed with my own business. During that time I’ve learned to become self sufficient, and to drive my own path.

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